Wednesday 24 June 2015

Its back

A policy designed to develop local capacity in vehicle manufacturing impacts stakeholders differently, writes OBODO EJIRO.

“This government has made business bad for us,” says Billy Kanayo, a used-car dealer at the Berger area of Lagos State. “Tell me, where are the cars government claims are being assembled in Nigeria?”

“Does Olusegun Agangan, Minister of Trade and Investment, drive in such cars,” another dealer who pleaded anonymity asks, as he laments the impact of the new National Automotive Policy (NAP) of the Federal Government on his business.

Saturday, Saturday Medicine

by Obodo Ejiro

During the week, she works as a cashier at a new generation bank in Lagos while he works as a shopkeeper at a small shop in Abeokuta, but at weekends, they are classmates at the University of Lagos. This is how tertiary remedial or part-time programmes bring people together across Nigeria weekly.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Competitive analysis of the hair relaxer market

Demand side dynamics

The value and volume of hair relaxer purchased in Nigeria has declined considerably in the last one and half decade because of the growing popularity and acceptance of weaves. (Most females, especially those in the working class, say weaves last longer and are cheaper to maintain.)